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Fumiko Hoeft and colleagues just received funding for an NIH U24 grant exploring the underlying mechanisms of mind-body interventions and measurement of EWB

Fumiko Hoeft, Sandra Marshall, and Crystal Park, in collaboration with UConn InCHIP, UConn Neag School of Education, and UConn Research just received funding for their NIH U24 grant exploring the underlying mechanisms of mind-body interventions and measurement of EWB (M3). Full info on the grant is below:

NIH U24AT011281 (Multi-PIs Park, Chafouleas, Hoeft)                                                   02/01/2021 – 01/31/2025

NCCIH                                                                                                                           $2,495,298 Total Cost   

Network to advance the study of mechanisms underlying mind-body interventions and measurement of emotional wellbeing (M3 Network of Emotional Wellbeing)

Goal: To lead a network to deepen our understanding of EWB measurement approaches and their role in MBIs as outcomes and as mechanisms.

This is exciting news!